Where to invest money is a constant question of many. It is left unanswered because advertisements about different money investing options are flooded with the warnings of “market risks”.
But there is a way of getting around these “market risks”. It is investing your money in a fixed deposit schemes. Janakalyan Bank offers variety of Fixed Deposit schemes. But before anything else, lets take a look at why you ought to get a fixed deposit account than any other investment policies.
1. Assured Returns – With Fixed Deposits there are no risks of changing market rates hence, getting your money’s worth is guaranteed.
2. Emergency Fund – Bad times never come knocking but when you have an ample amount of savings to your name, the tougher times are notched down a bit.
3. Valuable Asset – Suppose you need a big amount of money, urgently, fixed deposit scheme gives you the freedom of getting a loan against it. So your FD account becomes your valuable asset!
4. Tax Benefit – Fixed Deposit gets you a benefit in your income tax as well. This benefit is under the 80c of Income Tax Act, 1961.
5. Safer Option – Fixed Deposits are not only risk free from market rates but they also come with an insurance of up to Rs. 5 lakhs.
• Fixed Deposit
• Kalyan Thev Yojana
• Janakar Bachat Thev Yojana
Apart from above mentioned benefits, the deposit schemes offered by Janakalyan Bank also come with the advantage of Compound Interest. It means the amount of interest you get at every interval is added to your principle amount which translates to higher returns. Visit our website to know more about all the details.
Happy Banking!