Beware of Cybercrooks

JSBL Financial Blog    24-April-2024


In recent years, our lives have undergone a significant transformation, embracing the digital era. We've acclimated to a lifestyle where virtually everything, from work tasks to shopping for essentials, is just a tap away. Our homes have become command centers where we can access the world with a few clicks, foregoing the need for frequent trips outside. This shift has made online interactions, from virtual meetings to purchasing goods, an integral part of our daily routines.
Additionally, the shift to digital banking has seamlessly integrated into our routines, offering smooth and convenient financial transactions at our fingertips.
As much as the internet is helping us these days it can also become our undoing if we are not careful with it. As more and more aspects of our lives become online, more gates open for cybercrooks. Hence, it is of utmost importance to always remember the following things -
  1. Your Bank never calls you asking for your personal details.

  2. Any calls from a person representing your bank asking for OTP (One Time Password), CVV, PIN or Password is a cybercrook.

  3. If you are receiving money from someone via digital wallet and a link or button pops-up on your mobile; close it immediately. The bank never sends you any kind of link to accept the payment.

  4. If you get the email containing attachment and taglines like “Offer only for you/Click here to get your prize money of Rs. xxx lakhs” etc. these can be clickbait to get the access to your device and personal files, do not click on them.
Always remember that your safety is in your hands, and you should contact your bank immediately at any sign of suspicious activity.
Stay Alert, Stay Safe, Happy Banking!